SAGES 2022 President

2022 Program Chair

2022 Program Chair
Dear Colleagues:
On behalf of SAGES President, Dr. Liane Feldman, and the Program Committee, we would like to invite you to attend the 2022 SAGES Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado.
We are excited to host this year’s SAGES meeting in person at the Denver Convention Center from March 16-19, 2022. While we do anticipate an in-person event, we recognize that with the current uncertainty due to the pandemic as well as local institutional regulations, travel may not be feasible for some who want to attend. To make SAGES available to everyone, there will also be a virtual component to the meeting. Details to follow!
As travel becomes more accessible and we become more acclimated to the “new normal” of post-pandemic in-person meetings, the theme of this year’s meeting is meant to celebrate our increased return to in-person meeting participation as “Welcome Home SAGES!”
With the return of our international friends to the meeting, we are highlighting worldwide themes in all of our major specialties. There will also be opportunities to explore cutting-edge innovation in areas such as robotics and Artificial Intelligence. And you don’t want to miss Surgery in Space: The Next SAGES Frontier! – trust us, that session will be out of this world!
This year’s SAGES meeting content will also highlight leadership, collaboration, and education in new and interesting ways. We’ve extended our Residents and Fellows session to include a primer to transition to practice, and we will be introducing and exploring FLS 2.0. We have several exciting sessions that will deep-dive into diversity and inclusion, as well as disparities in healthcare. And don’t miss all of the exciting “How I Deal with Complications” sessions offered for many topics!
As with all SAGES meetings, technology and safety are a high priority. The conference features electronic media to allow you to personalize your experience. A SAGES Meeting App will provide access to meeting content via your handheld devices, and e-mails and tweets during the meeting will keep attendees informed. As part of our commitment to health and safety, we will be welcoming fully vaccinated attendees, exhibitors, and staff.
If you can only go to just one surgical meeting in 2022, this is the one! We look forward to seeing you in Denver to help us make this the best SAGES meeting ever.